JFYP Studio is open for business again – this time at a new location, Century Business Centre on Manvers Way, Rotherham S63 5DA. This is smaller than the old studio, and I have a revised set of services to match, but I can still offer you great photographic possibilities!
The website has had a revamp too, and is (hopefully) in a more simplifies format allowing easy finding of the services people want! Any difficulties/comments, feel free to feedback.
I shall be having an open day (or 2) very soon, so please come visit, chat and catch up and see what the new studio looks and feels like. There will be some opening offers as well during March – look out for them on Facebook.
Thank you for all the kind comments and support over the last few months – sad to leave the old space, but excited about what I can do at the new place – onwards and upwards!
Andy – 1 Mar 2022