I have been using a hashtag for a while now – #NAPSATS… And it means NOT ALL PHOTO STUDIOS ARE THE SAME… I put it on nearly every studio Instagram post (@JFYP.Studio) and mention it in other places now and again… but what does it mean?

Well, most people’s expectations of a studio these days is:-
- Expensive experience
- Hard Selling
- Fixed Packages / no flexibility
- Extended time to receive images/prints
- Prints only
- Expensive bolt on for getting the digital images
- Limited number of images in package
Hence the tongue in cheek term, the “Prints of Thieves”. And that sadly to say is the case at many studios, and whilst it is very much an expected business modelling photography (and other things), it does scar the whole industry… And that model is also the basis for many offers whether through Groupon or similar where you might pay a small charge, get a one hour shoot at a great price, but then only get one image or print included with any other picture at an expensive extra price, sometimes as much as £125 per print…
Now, my view of studio photography is much different. I strive to offer great value, not cheap and nasty deals which lure you in, fleece you of cash and make you never to want to come back… I offer a straightforward service with no hidden charges or surprises. I truly believe these are transparent, the prices are very clear, and are great value. So when you compare studio packages on a like for like basis, bear in mind the following:-

For All packages at JFYP Studio – you will get:-
- ALL THE GOOD IMAGES FROM THE SHOOT – for example a one hour family shoot can easily have 50 good images of individuals, groups etc, but equally could have 70, 100 or more – I do not do fixed image packages, if the image is good, you will get it.
- ALL THE GOOD IMAGES IN HIGH RES AND WEB FRIENDLY SIZES – yes, not one image or 5 images in high res, but ALL the good ones – and you will get them in the convenient web friendly sizes too for use on Facebook etc.
- ALL IMAGES PROVIDED ARE RE-TOUCHED – you get nothing straight out of the camera, All images are tidied (cropped if necessary, minor retouching, colour and white balance correction is applied).
- ALL IMAGES SUPPLIED ON DISK OR DOWNLOAD – All images provided via download or on a DVD data disk (no extra charge) or on a memory stick (extra charge – eg. 16GB memory stick £12) or no extra charge if you supply your own stick.
- ALL PACKAGES ARE FLEXIBLE / ADAPTABLE – the example packages on the website are there because they are popular packages, but if they do not suit what you are after, or you want a print specific package, then they will give you a guide and just ask me for a no obligation quote for anything you need.
- PRINTS AND OTHER PRODUCTS ARE AVAILABLE – You can order prints from shoots done by JFYP (or anyone else). Prints are great quality at great value prices. I do not rip people off for printed pictures. Compare my prices for a 10×8 inch print (£7.00 or less if multiple ordered) – and again I will quote for you before you part with any cash.
Now of course, you expect quality of photography as well… Every photographer is different, and our view on photography is somewhat subjective. But you will see hundreds of examples of my photography on this site and I’ll let you judge my photographic quality. I believe I offer great quality at a great value. See my studio packages here.

And if you still want an extra value package and have read this far – please quote this blog post and NAPSATS to get a 20% discount on any studio package (excluding passport shoots) and 10% off any wedding package. This offer is valid for ALL bookings made in 2019.

And please – don’t be afraid to ask me to photograph anything – happy to do themed shoots (like Peaky Blinders, Harry Potter etc) and happy to adapt a package just for you! Whatever it is… Challenge me to impress you!